"Life In Brief" is a collection of short stories, essays, and poetry by Davida Siwisa James, author of the acclaimed 2007 memoir, "The South Africa of His Heart." This is a mature and poignant selection of her writing that encompasses both personal, emotional nonfiction works, as well as her creative fiction, and newspaper columns. The short stories are powerful and insightful - from surviving a level-three hurricane, a moving story about a woman who takes a reflective journey, a room at a time, through a home she must leave trying to put her spiritual imprint on each of the rooms. There are two passionate love stories, and a tribute to female friendship. Her essays run the gamut from exploring aging, our dependence on technology, and cutting the cord with our grown children. The poetry is mostly set in the backdrop of the Caribbean. It will take you to white sand beaches, crystal blue waters with flying fish, romantic sunsets, and Carnival. It is an eclectic writing collection, written with skill and charm, that offers a little something for everyone.